Friday, April 27, 2012

Bible Blog of 7/16/10

Over the years since retiring in '97, I have done numerous and time consuming but rewarding Bible key word studies: the who?, what?, when?, why? and sometimes How? of any verse: noun or pronoun, verb/ adverb and adjective or any word that helps me to understand better. I would circle or note that which is the subject and those which pertain to it or describes it, refers to a thing of a person; anything that answers those five questions. I would also check out verb tenses; contrasts; if-then statements; key words that can be as simple as an 'a' to the most unpronounceable proper name I would find in the Bible. I have so many ideas for my Bible blog that may seem silly, even crazy but I figure as long as I have been doing searches such as (clouds or fire) for the different ways a simple word could and was represented as a pillar of cloud and of fire, a miracle of God. Other searches were "a  cloud of witnesses", "former and latter rain"__a future miracle of God. My next blog perhaps: singing, songs, anything to do with music--a favorite interest that started it all.

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